Academic tutoring

“Students report how Sheryl inspires them and helps them to be passionate about their practice. Students reported how she brings examples from her practice to help them to understand what they are learning and how to translate this knowledge and skills into their practice. The students learn from Sheryl the importance of “holistic” care by not just focusing on the physical care but also the emotional, social and mental health perspective.”

“Sheryl is a role model for children’s nurses as she demonstrates to students who attend this module why they need to learn new ways of engaging with children, how to carry out and meet the children’s mental health need and by learning how to provide holistic care helps with wellbeing.”

“Sheryl encourages her students to reflect on their practice and they find her very engaging teacher. Sheryl manages adversity with a reflective and considered approach and has been one of the most amiable and easy to get along with colleagues I have ever met.”

“Sheryl encourages students to publish on their academic work adding to the evidence base. This is another example of Sheryl’s commitment to high quality of care, teaching, student supervision and learning. This commitment encourages students to reflect on and deliver high quality care. Sheryl has impressed me immensely with her determination and ability to self-motivate. She has been very successful in getting her students to publish from their written work and encourages her students to share their work with others.”